Monday, May 9, 2016

One Step,Two Step

Why is moving on so tough?

This is a question that has been haunting me for a while. I heard from a lot of people that you can truly move on only once you find someone else. But to me that just seems to be a way of evading the core problem, rather than solving it. They also say time heals most wounds, and I agree. As time goes by, it layers every experience, and replaces it with newer ones that catch your attention, hold it, and shift the focus. The addition of more characters in your life has a certain healing quality to it as well. I guess it's the flowing nature of things. It's funny, but when you read stories and watch movies, this whole spectrum of feelings comes across as poetic. Being the observer is a boon - being that character, urgh. The good part of it being a complete narrative is that you have complete control over it. I wish life was like that sometimes. 

I have been struggling with moving on for a while now, and on most days it's fine. But whenever confronted with something 'real', my first instinct is to shut down. My friend says it's the comfort of the shell I retreat back into, and maybe it is. Everything outside of the shell is so pointy, it pierces too often and too much. :(  I just hope that I find it within me to be able to fight that, because the alternative would just be missing out on something better.

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