Monday, December 19, 2022

December Mornings

It's 4 am, and I'm awake. Everything is still and cold and peaceful. Just looking out from my balcony into the fogginess of the night makes me joyous. The crescent moon is especially beautiful, wish my camera could do it justice.

Parts of me that I felt were stripped away entirely, seem to be lurking around lately - hoping for new beginnings. 

I think I'm finally over the past. And I hope the future has all that I seek. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Seeing my aunt like this is so heartbreaking. When she reached out to touch my face and told me she is happy to see me and that she will make me chicken the way I like it, fuck man. And this time she will have beer with me. I promised her we would. My uncle and I just broke down. Oh my god. Seeing him and the kids this way is awful. And seeing her so frail. 

Why the fuck hasn't someone found a cure for cancer yet. Wtfwtfwtfwtf. I swear to god if I ever get the money for it, I will find any all research I can. 

I hope for her to find peace from the pain, I have no idea what else to say or do. Words feel so petty and cheap fuck

Sunday, December 4, 2022

ChatGPT created this. What a marvel

In this world of chaos, I seek peace of mind,
A calm and steady heart, a strength of will that's hard to find.
I turn to the Stoics, and their wisdom tried and true,
To guide me through life's troubles, to help me see things through.

I am the master of my own fate,
I control my thoughts, I choose my own state.
I will not let adversity bring me down,
I will face it with strength, with courage, not a single frown.

I seek not the pleasures of this fleeting world,
For they are fleeting, their joys unfurled.
I seek instead the peace within my soul,
The strength to face the world, to take on its toll.

I will not be swayed by anger or by hate,
For these are emotions that can only seal my fate.
I will keep my mind focused, clear, and strong,
And I will face each day with courage, and do no wrong.

I am a Stoic, and I will not be moved,
By the troubles of this world, I am unmoved.
I will face each challenge with a steadfast heart,
And I will never, ever, ever fall apart.

I will live my life in accordance with the Stoic way,
With wisdom, courage, and integrity each and every day.
I will not let the world's chaos bring me to despair,

For I am a Stoic, and I will always persevere.

Thursday, December 1, 2022