Thursday, November 30, 2017

A bittersweet thought

While looking at the same thing or event - some people see potential, some others see flaws.
Seeing the former, makes you hopeful. The latter makes things binary. I guess that's why I like Kintsugi - as an art and a concept and a way of life. :) 


The world keeps spinning
little by little
into the distance
Moving on, in the darkness
towards a place
most of us can't see 

Every little thing
so neat, so precise
makes me wonder now
not really now, but how
the eternal came to be

We had no part to play
we just came into being
the moment had to be right
the place divine
right place, right time

And if everything is just so
why do we try to control
when flowing is just so easy?

All it takes 
is a little time,
a little smile,
to unwind
and maybe, just maybe
to find

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


"Listen to me girl, life is not a game"
She peeks from behind the curtain, little curls framing her face
Trying her hardest, not to give her presence away

He looks at her and smiles, unaware now
How did he get here, when did he start to belong?

The door bell rings 
squealing she runs out,

she needs to be the one
to always open the door,

to her it's not a chore

Ecstatic she runs,

into the waiting arms

of the one so like her, 

only old

Turning around he sees

A little way by his bedside, on a dimly lit table top
a picture of him and her; dancing to some song

was it their favorite one or was it 80's pop?

Those were the days, the madcap times
he used to chase her around the room

trying to reach into the lightness, her brightness

she was, she is;

precious as precious can be

The little one enters,

flushed with laughter, 

pulling her lookalike along

His heart starts to leap 

like a thousand happy, jumpy frogs

How did they get here, when did they start to belong?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Morning Dew

I sat on the cold, stony floor
a little reckless, frozen to the core
but the skies - so divine
and the stars, ooh can they shine!

I see the sun
slowly rise
coming up over the cold, foggy sky
inching close
covering me in gold

I see little birds
waking up
chirping and cheeping and twittering and flitting
ready to go
where the winds blow

I look over at you
and see your gentle face
your sleepy eyes
the honest you shines

Isn't it ironic
that you break my heart
and yet you make me smile

Thursday, November 9, 2017

How to capture a mood

How do you capture the essence of a mood in words? Sometimes they just fail, don't they? Or maybe it's the writer who fails. Creation to me is the by product of intense, non relenting labour and a will to finesse right down to the last detail.
I'd like my words to be powerful, and evocative - taking you  - the reader - on a journey that goes through the depths and the shallows, the peace and the conflict, the music and the serenity. 
Life would be worth it, if I could create one such work that manages to touch all the right cords, in all the right ways. It's like a dance - the steps need to be precise, the music just so, the pauses need a life of their own and the culmination comes at the right time.
** sigh **

Three Loves

The three great loves of my life - The Empath, The Twin and The Fool.

The first one brought me care and strife, the second one made me face my demons, and the third one set me free. :)